4 Ceramics Catalogues


The Maker’s Eye 1981 Crafts Council
Loan Exhibition of Japanese Porcelain 1956
The Art of Bernard Leach 1977
International Ceramics 1972

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The Maker’s Eye 1981 Crafts Council
Loan Exhibition of Japanese Porcelain 1956
The Art of Bernard Leach 1977
International Ceramics 1972

The Maker’s Eye 1981 Crafts Council
Loan Exhibition of Japanese Porcelain 1956
The Art of Bernard Leach 1977
International Ceramics 1972

Pearl Binder, Magic Symbols of the World. The Hamlyn Publishing Company, 1972
Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Vingt Ans Apres.; Le Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Principaux Enrichissements 1956-1976
Tessa Paul, Tiles for a beautiful home, 1989
William Ruscoe, A Manual for the Potter, Alec Tiranti, 1963
English Porcelain Figures 1744 to 1848, John Tiranti 1947