André Malraux 'Psychology of Art' Complete Set Vol. 1–3 (1949-1950)


Author: André Malraux
Title: Psychology of Art. Complete Set. Vol. I: Museum Without Walls ; Vol. II: The Creative Act; Vol. III The Twilight of the Absolute
Date: 1949-1950
Publisher: Pantheon Books for the The Bollingen Foundation, New York
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB00901

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Author: André Malraux
Title: Psychology of Art. Complete Set. Vol. I: Museum Without Walls ; Vol. II: The Creative Act; Vol. III The Twilight of the Absolute
Date: 1949-1950
Publisher: Pantheon Books for the The Bollingen Foundation, New York
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB00901

Author: André Malraux
Title: Psychology of Art. Complete Set. Vol. I: Museum Without Walls ; Vol. II: The Creative Act; Vol. III The Twilight of the Absolute
Date: 1949-1950
Publisher: Pantheon Books for the The Bollingen Foundation, New York
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB00901

Kathe Kolwitz. Engravings, Drawings, Sculpture. A German Art Council Exhibition. Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1967.
Bryan Wynter. Jonathan Clark Fine Art, London 16 October-15 November 2002
Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings Exhibition Catalogue
Braco Dimitrijevic, Tale of an Artist and a Castle. 1976
Japanese Sculpture. Volume I, Archaic Period. Photographs by Manshichi Sakamoto (1900-1974). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.