Anthony Bertram 'Design' Pelican Books Ltd. 1938 First Edition
This 'Penguin Special' popularised the concept of 'design' to the English public. It has chapters on town & country planning; housing the workers; architecture; interiors; transport, commercial art and typography. Rare title. There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same. ("As it was" and "As it might be") The book was called a Pelican Special (hence its blue cover), although it was published as no. 22 in its Penguin Special series. A lovely first edition of this fascinating 85 year old book.
Price: £10
Title: Design
Authors: Anthony Bertram
Publisher: Pelican Books Ltd.
Publication date: 1938 First Edition
Format: Paperback
Total Pages: 119
Images: There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same.
Condition: Very good
Provenance: The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02743
This 'Penguin Special' popularised the concept of 'design' to the English public. It has chapters on town & country planning; housing the workers; architecture; interiors; transport, commercial art and typography. Rare title. There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same. ("As it was" and "As it might be") The book was called a Pelican Special (hence its blue cover), although it was published as no. 22 in its Penguin Special series. A lovely first edition of this fascinating 85 year old book.
Price: £10
Title: Design
Authors: Anthony Bertram
Publisher: Pelican Books Ltd.
Publication date: 1938 First Edition
Format: Paperback
Total Pages: 119
Images: There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same.
Condition: Very good
Provenance: The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02743
This 'Penguin Special' popularised the concept of 'design' to the English public. It has chapters on town & country planning; housing the workers; architecture; interiors; transport, commercial art and typography. Rare title. There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same. ("As it was" and "As it might be") The book was called a Pelican Special (hence its blue cover), although it was published as no. 22 in its Penguin Special series. A lovely first edition of this fascinating 85 year old book.
Price: £10
Title: Design
Authors: Anthony Bertram
Publisher: Pelican Books Ltd.
Publication date: 1938 First Edition
Format: Paperback
Total Pages: 119
Images: There are 15 pages of black amd white photos of town centres, buildings, homes and vehicles and architect's futuristic impressions of the same.
Condition: Very good
Provenance: The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02743