Ark 34 : The Journal of the Royal College of Art, Summer 1963


Includes Richard Hamilton’s commissioned text and illustrations on the theme of incidence and a selection of images experienced in daily life. Other contributors include Michael Bartlett, Ken Baynes, John Munday, Gerald Nason, Carol Anand, Lawrence Carey, John Hacker, Melvyn Gill, Steve Cox and Stanley Pelter.

“’…ARK has become a vivid historical document. It records, narrates, evokes and recalls its moment (or succession of moments) with energy, eloquence and insight. There were other contemporary British magazines about visual subjects with elements of content or design in common – Motif, Typographica, the short-lived Uppercase, even The Architectural Review – but…none of them could match ARK’s twists and turns, its visual conceits and coups de théâtre, or its eclecticism of content during its heyday from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s.’”

– Rick Poynor in the preface to ARK: Words and Images from the Royal College of Art Magazine 1950-1978, published by the Royal College of Art, London, 2014 designed by Jorg Schwertfeger.

Price: £45
Title: Ark 34 : The Journal of the Royal College of Art, Summer 1963
Authors: Nason, Gerald (editor) ; Gill, Melvyn (art editor) ; Richard Hamilton
Publisher: Royal College of Art, London
Publication date: 1963
Images: Throughout (some in colour)
Pages: 88
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Good
Stock Number: RB03307

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Includes Richard Hamilton’s commissioned text and illustrations on the theme of incidence and a selection of images experienced in daily life. Other contributors include Michael Bartlett, Ken Baynes, John Munday, Gerald Nason, Carol Anand, Lawrence Carey, John Hacker, Melvyn Gill, Steve Cox and Stanley Pelter.

“’…ARK has become a vivid historical document. It records, narrates, evokes and recalls its moment (or succession of moments) with energy, eloquence and insight. There were other contemporary British magazines about visual subjects with elements of content or design in common – Motif, Typographica, the short-lived Uppercase, even The Architectural Review – but…none of them could match ARK’s twists and turns, its visual conceits and coups de théâtre, or its eclecticism of content during its heyday from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s.’”

– Rick Poynor in the preface to ARK: Words and Images from the Royal College of Art Magazine 1950-1978, published by the Royal College of Art, London, 2014 designed by Jorg Schwertfeger.

Price: £45
Title: Ark 34 : The Journal of the Royal College of Art, Summer 1963
Authors: Nason, Gerald (editor) ; Gill, Melvyn (art editor) ; Richard Hamilton
Publisher: Royal College of Art, London
Publication date: 1963
Images: Throughout (some in colour)
Pages: 88
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Good
Stock Number: RB03307

Includes Richard Hamilton’s commissioned text and illustrations on the theme of incidence and a selection of images experienced in daily life. Other contributors include Michael Bartlett, Ken Baynes, John Munday, Gerald Nason, Carol Anand, Lawrence Carey, John Hacker, Melvyn Gill, Steve Cox and Stanley Pelter.

“’…ARK has become a vivid historical document. It records, narrates, evokes and recalls its moment (or succession of moments) with energy, eloquence and insight. There were other contemporary British magazines about visual subjects with elements of content or design in common – Motif, Typographica, the short-lived Uppercase, even The Architectural Review – but…none of them could match ARK’s twists and turns, its visual conceits and coups de théâtre, or its eclecticism of content during its heyday from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s.’”

– Rick Poynor in the preface to ARK: Words and Images from the Royal College of Art Magazine 1950-1978, published by the Royal College of Art, London, 2014 designed by Jorg Schwertfeger.

Price: £45
Title: Ark 34 : The Journal of the Royal College of Art, Summer 1963
Authors: Nason, Gerald (editor) ; Gill, Melvyn (art editor) ; Richard Hamilton
Publisher: Royal College of Art, London
Publication date: 1963
Images: Throughout (some in colour)
Pages: 88
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Good
Stock Number: RB03307

Centenary Exhibition of Etchings and Drawings by W.R.Sickert.
Sickert. Roland, Browse & Derby, London, 1963
Sickert. Forty of His Finest Paintings. Roland, Browse & Delbanco, London, 1951.
Virginia Woolf, Walter Sickert: A Conversation, The Hogarth Press, 1934. Cover by Vanessa Bell. Barnett Freedman's copy.
David Gebhard, Charles F.A. Voysey Architect, 1970