Carlo Scarpa Architteto Poeta 1974


Hard to find, oft-cited catalogue of an exhibition of the works of Carlo Scarpa held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Heinz Gallery, 27 February-12 April, 1974. With a text by Louis Kahn, and introduction by Sherban Cantacuzino. 25 images. 

Writing in the AR in December 1973 Sherban Cantacuzino stated that “The Scarpa exhibition will enable English architects to become better acquainted with the work of an architect whose influence has been considerable, but who has too readily been dismissed by some as an anachronism because of his love for architecture as an art.”

The photographs reproduced in the catalogue were carefully overseen by Scarpa himself:

 “…from the testimonies of the photographers who had direct contact with Scarpa and from those of his collaborators, a problematic attitude of the architect emerges towards the photographic description of his work. It is sufficient to read the interviews published here, or to recall what Guido Pietropoli testified on how Scarpa, on the occasion of the preparation of his personal exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London in 1974, intervened on Paolo Monti's prints by tracing lines and diagonals on them, to isolate the parts of the images that best responded to his point of view.”

Ref: M. Beltramini, Note all’apparato fotografico del catalogo, in G. Beltramini, K. Forster, P. Marini (a cura di), Carlo Scarpa. Mostre e musei (1944-1976). Case e paesaggi (1972-1978), Milano, Electa, 2000, p. 453.

Title: Carlo Scarpa Architteto Poeta
Authors: Louis Kahn
Publisher: Royal Institute of British Architects
Publication date: 1974
Format: Stapled wraps
Total Pages: 22
Condition: Near Fine. Discreet ownership inscription 
Stock Number: RB02470

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Hard to find, oft-cited catalogue of an exhibition of the works of Carlo Scarpa held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Heinz Gallery, 27 February-12 April, 1974. With a text by Louis Kahn, and introduction by Sherban Cantacuzino. 25 images. 

Writing in the AR in December 1973 Sherban Cantacuzino stated that “The Scarpa exhibition will enable English architects to become better acquainted with the work of an architect whose influence has been considerable, but who has too readily been dismissed by some as an anachronism because of his love for architecture as an art.”

The photographs reproduced in the catalogue were carefully overseen by Scarpa himself:

 “…from the testimonies of the photographers who had direct contact with Scarpa and from those of his collaborators, a problematic attitude of the architect emerges towards the photographic description of his work. It is sufficient to read the interviews published here, or to recall what Guido Pietropoli testified on how Scarpa, on the occasion of the preparation of his personal exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London in 1974, intervened on Paolo Monti's prints by tracing lines and diagonals on them, to isolate the parts of the images that best responded to his point of view.”

Ref: M. Beltramini, Note all’apparato fotografico del catalogo, in G. Beltramini, K. Forster, P. Marini (a cura di), Carlo Scarpa. Mostre e musei (1944-1976). Case e paesaggi (1972-1978), Milano, Electa, 2000, p. 453.

Title: Carlo Scarpa Architteto Poeta
Authors: Louis Kahn
Publisher: Royal Institute of British Architects
Publication date: 1974
Format: Stapled wraps
Total Pages: 22
Condition: Near Fine. Discreet ownership inscription 
Stock Number: RB02470

Hard to find, oft-cited catalogue of an exhibition of the works of Carlo Scarpa held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Heinz Gallery, 27 February-12 April, 1974. With a text by Louis Kahn, and introduction by Sherban Cantacuzino. 25 images. 

Writing in the AR in December 1973 Sherban Cantacuzino stated that “The Scarpa exhibition will enable English architects to become better acquainted with the work of an architect whose influence has been considerable, but who has too readily been dismissed by some as an anachronism because of his love for architecture as an art.”

The photographs reproduced in the catalogue were carefully overseen by Scarpa himself:

 “…from the testimonies of the photographers who had direct contact with Scarpa and from those of his collaborators, a problematic attitude of the architect emerges towards the photographic description of his work. It is sufficient to read the interviews published here, or to recall what Guido Pietropoli testified on how Scarpa, on the occasion of the preparation of his personal exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London in 1974, intervened on Paolo Monti's prints by tracing lines and diagonals on them, to isolate the parts of the images that best responded to his point of view.”

Ref: M. Beltramini, Note all’apparato fotografico del catalogo, in G. Beltramini, K. Forster, P. Marini (a cura di), Carlo Scarpa. Mostre e musei (1944-1976). Case e paesaggi (1972-1978), Milano, Electa, 2000, p. 453.

Title: Carlo Scarpa Architteto Poeta
Authors: Louis Kahn
Publisher: Royal Institute of British Architects
Publication date: 1974
Format: Stapled wraps
Total Pages: 22
Condition: Near Fine. Discreet ownership inscription 
Stock Number: RB02470

Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Vingt Ans Apres.; Le Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Principaux Enrichissements 1956-1976
David Gebhard, Charles F.A. Voysey Architect, 1970
Tessa Paul, Tiles for a beautiful home, 1989
The Ornamental Designs of Chippendale. Alec Tiranti, London, 1949
Chippendale Furniture Designs, Alec Tiranti, London, 1950