Frank Auerbach - Recent Work , Marlborough Fine Art, London, 1974


Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London April - May 1974

Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Work
Publication date:  1974
Publisher: Marlborough Fine Art, London
Format: Softcover
Pages: 38
Images: 34 colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. covers slightly marked. 
Stock Number: RB03577

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Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London April - May 1974

Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Work
Publication date:  1974
Publisher: Marlborough Fine Art, London
Format: Softcover
Pages: 38
Images: 34 colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. covers slightly marked. 
Stock Number: RB03577

Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London April - May 1974

Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Work
Publication date:  1974
Publisher: Marlborough Fine Art, London
Format: Softcover
Pages: 38
Images: 34 colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. covers slightly marked. 
Stock Number: RB03577

Centenary Exhibition of Etchings and Drawings by W.R.Sickert.
Sickert. Roland, Browse & Derby, London, 1963
Sickert. Forty of His Finest Paintings. Roland, Browse & Delbanco, London, 1951.
Virginia Woolf, Walter Sickert: A Conversation, The Hogarth Press, 1934. Cover by Vanessa Bell. Barnett Freedman's copy.
David Gebhard, Charles F.A. Voysey Architect, 1970