Frank Auerbach Recent Paintings and Drawings 1987


Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London January – February 1987. 

Price: £20
Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Paintings and Drawings
Publisher:  Marlborough Gallery, London
Publication date: 1987
Format: Pictorial Softcover
Total Pages: 48
Images: 44 images illustrated throughout in colour 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB02619

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Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London January – February 1987. 

Price: £20
Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Paintings and Drawings
Publisher:  Marlborough Gallery, London
Publication date: 1987
Format: Pictorial Softcover
Total Pages: 48
Images: 44 images illustrated throughout in colour 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB02619

Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings by Frank Auerbach held at Marlborough Fine Art London January – February 1987. 

Price: £20
Title:  Frank Auerbach - Recent Paintings and Drawings
Publisher:  Marlborough Gallery, London
Publication date: 1987
Format: Pictorial Softcover
Total Pages: 48
Images: 44 images illustrated throughout in colour 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB02619

Geoffrey Soar, Little Magazines Exhibition, University College London, 1967
Interaction & Overlap : From the Little Magazine and Small Press Collection at University College London
Jiří Valoch, Letters From Brno, Coracle, 2010
Image, No. 7, January 1952. Sickert Drawings, Festival Sculpture.
Thomas Meyer with Karl Torok, Cinq Gardens, Topia Press, 1986