L’Oeil no. 89 May 1962
JACQUES EMILE BLANCE, The Year 1400, Minotaure, Marcello D’Olivo, The antiques fair in Paris, Villa Panza in Biumo, Text in French, 113 pages.
Title: L’Oeil Reveue D’Art
Authors: Rosamond and Georges Bernier (eds)
Format: Softcover
Condition: Very good. Spine undamaged
Stock Number: RB03066
JACQUES EMILE BLANCE, The Year 1400, Minotaure, Marcello D’Olivo, The antiques fair in Paris, Villa Panza in Biumo, Text in French, 113 pages.
Title: L’Oeil Reveue D’Art
Authors: Rosamond and Georges Bernier (eds)
Format: Softcover
Condition: Very good. Spine undamaged
Stock Number: RB03066
JACQUES EMILE BLANCE, The Year 1400, Minotaure, Marcello D’Olivo, The antiques fair in Paris, Villa Panza in Biumo, Text in French, 113 pages.
Title: L’Oeil Reveue D’Art
Authors: Rosamond and Georges Bernier (eds)
Format: Softcover
Condition: Very good. Spine undamaged
Stock Number: RB03066