Georges Georges Vantongerloo. A traveling retrospective exhibition. 1980

Sale Price:£14.00 Original Price:£28.00

Catalogue of a 1980 touring exhibition of the work of Georges Vantongerloo. Touring to Washington Corcoran Gallery of Art , Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 

Price: £28
Title: Georges Georges Vantongerloo. A traveling retrospective exhibition.
Author: R. De Backer-Van Ockem (Foreword) Peter C. Marzio (Preface), Jane Livingston (Introduction) 
Publisher: Published by Brussels
Publication date: 1980
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 221
Images: Extensively illustrated throughout in colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. signature of Alastair Grieve
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02647

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Catalogue of a 1980 touring exhibition of the work of Georges Vantongerloo. Touring to Washington Corcoran Gallery of Art , Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 

Price: £28
Title: Georges Georges Vantongerloo. A traveling retrospective exhibition.
Author: R. De Backer-Van Ockem (Foreword) Peter C. Marzio (Preface), Jane Livingston (Introduction) 
Publisher: Published by Brussels
Publication date: 1980
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 221
Images: Extensively illustrated throughout in colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. signature of Alastair Grieve
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02647

Catalogue of a 1980 touring exhibition of the work of Georges Vantongerloo. Touring to Washington Corcoran Gallery of Art , Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 

Price: £28
Title: Georges Georges Vantongerloo. A traveling retrospective exhibition.
Author: R. De Backer-Van Ockem (Foreword) Peter C. Marzio (Preface), Jane Livingston (Introduction) 
Publisher: Published by Brussels
Publication date: 1980
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 221
Images: Extensively illustrated throughout in colour and b/w
Condition: Very good. signature of Alastair Grieve
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02647