Guillaume Appollinaire, I.C.A. London Nov. 68


Guillaume Apollinaire and Annie Playde in London, 1904 ; Apollinaire’s apartment at 202, bd St.Germain, Paris ; Postcard sent by Picasso to Apollinaire dated 1907 ; Two pages of catalogue preface to the Irene Lagut / Léopold Survage exhibition, Paris, 1917 ; Visée, calligram sent to Madeleine on June 10 1915 (typographical version) ; ‘L’ouseau et le Bouquet’ Calligram composed for his friend Lousie Faure-Favier. Not published until 1945 ; Robert Delaunay Fenetres Ouvertes Simuletanement 1912 / Windows by Guillaume Apollinaire translated by Roger Shattuck ; I WONDER / J’emerveille by Adrian Henri and Michael Kustow ; 45 rpm by Apollinaire reciting “Le Pont Mirabeau”. ; ICA events sheet (single sheet folded once to make 4 pages) including booking slip for I wonder Guillaume Apollinaire directed by Michael Kustov ; The Magazine of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, no.8, November 1968 (special Guillaume Apollinaire issue. Including the ICA invitation to “salute Apollinaire 1880-1918” on Thursday 31 October 1968 from 2-9pm. ; Guillaume Apollinaire 1880-1918 A Celebration 1968 24 cm x 32 cm 28 pages (unpaginated). Introduction in English by Simon Watson Taylor chronology exhibition catalog; Apollinaire beyond the Channel and the Atlantic. 24 cm x 32 cm 12 pages (unpaginated). Bibliography of and about Guillaume Apollinaire 1940-1967 compiled by Peter Hoy ; Come back Guillaume all is forgiven? Annie. 24 cm x 32 cm 6 pages (unpaginated). Exhibition of 60 works created especially for Apollinaire's Birthday ; The author's Horoscope by Valentine Penrose ; Index of 9 slip-ins (calligram photo postcards).

Title: Apollinaire Guillaume I.C.A. London Nov. 68
Publisher: I.C.A., London
Publication date: 1968
Format: 17 items including 4 booklets and 13 loose sheets housed in a stamped manilla folder with red starburst sticker seal 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB03361

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Guillaume Apollinaire and Annie Playde in London, 1904 ; Apollinaire’s apartment at 202, bd St.Germain, Paris ; Postcard sent by Picasso to Apollinaire dated 1907 ; Two pages of catalogue preface to the Irene Lagut / Léopold Survage exhibition, Paris, 1917 ; Visée, calligram sent to Madeleine on June 10 1915 (typographical version) ; ‘L’ouseau et le Bouquet’ Calligram composed for his friend Lousie Faure-Favier. Not published until 1945 ; Robert Delaunay Fenetres Ouvertes Simuletanement 1912 / Windows by Guillaume Apollinaire translated by Roger Shattuck ; I WONDER / J’emerveille by Adrian Henri and Michael Kustow ; 45 rpm by Apollinaire reciting “Le Pont Mirabeau”. ; ICA events sheet (single sheet folded once to make 4 pages) including booking slip for I wonder Guillaume Apollinaire directed by Michael Kustov ; The Magazine of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, no.8, November 1968 (special Guillaume Apollinaire issue. Including the ICA invitation to “salute Apollinaire 1880-1918” on Thursday 31 October 1968 from 2-9pm. ; Guillaume Apollinaire 1880-1918 A Celebration 1968 24 cm x 32 cm 28 pages (unpaginated). Introduction in English by Simon Watson Taylor chronology exhibition catalog; Apollinaire beyond the Channel and the Atlantic. 24 cm x 32 cm 12 pages (unpaginated). Bibliography of and about Guillaume Apollinaire 1940-1967 compiled by Peter Hoy ; Come back Guillaume all is forgiven? Annie. 24 cm x 32 cm 6 pages (unpaginated). Exhibition of 60 works created especially for Apollinaire's Birthday ; The author's Horoscope by Valentine Penrose ; Index of 9 slip-ins (calligram photo postcards).

Title: Apollinaire Guillaume I.C.A. London Nov. 68
Publisher: I.C.A., London
Publication date: 1968
Format: 17 items including 4 booklets and 13 loose sheets housed in a stamped manilla folder with red starburst sticker seal 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB03361

Guillaume Apollinaire and Annie Playde in London, 1904 ; Apollinaire’s apartment at 202, bd St.Germain, Paris ; Postcard sent by Picasso to Apollinaire dated 1907 ; Two pages of catalogue preface to the Irene Lagut / Léopold Survage exhibition, Paris, 1917 ; Visée, calligram sent to Madeleine on June 10 1915 (typographical version) ; ‘L’ouseau et le Bouquet’ Calligram composed for his friend Lousie Faure-Favier. Not published until 1945 ; Robert Delaunay Fenetres Ouvertes Simuletanement 1912 / Windows by Guillaume Apollinaire translated by Roger Shattuck ; I WONDER / J’emerveille by Adrian Henri and Michael Kustow ; 45 rpm by Apollinaire reciting “Le Pont Mirabeau”. ; ICA events sheet (single sheet folded once to make 4 pages) including booking slip for I wonder Guillaume Apollinaire directed by Michael Kustov ; The Magazine of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, no.8, November 1968 (special Guillaume Apollinaire issue. Including the ICA invitation to “salute Apollinaire 1880-1918” on Thursday 31 October 1968 from 2-9pm. ; Guillaume Apollinaire 1880-1918 A Celebration 1968 24 cm x 32 cm 28 pages (unpaginated). Introduction in English by Simon Watson Taylor chronology exhibition catalog; Apollinaire beyond the Channel and the Atlantic. 24 cm x 32 cm 12 pages (unpaginated). Bibliography of and about Guillaume Apollinaire 1940-1967 compiled by Peter Hoy ; Come back Guillaume all is forgiven? Annie. 24 cm x 32 cm 6 pages (unpaginated). Exhibition of 60 works created especially for Apollinaire's Birthday ; The author's Horoscope by Valentine Penrose ; Index of 9 slip-ins (calligram photo postcards).

Title: Apollinaire Guillaume I.C.A. London Nov. 68
Publisher: I.C.A., London
Publication date: 1968
Format: 17 items including 4 booklets and 13 loose sheets housed in a stamped manilla folder with red starburst sticker seal 
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB03361

David Hockney: Dessins Et Gravures. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris 1975.
Rose Hilton Recent Paintings and Drawings. Michael Parkin Gallery, London, 1988.
Sotheby’s Sale Invitation Thursday, 2nd December 1982 featuring Allen Jones
Cum Grano 15, Summer 1960. Idris Jones (editor), Alastair Grieve (co-subeditor)
Alan Reynolds. Relief Constructions and Drawings. Annely Juda Fine Art, 1991. Introduction by Bryan Robertson.