Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings Exhibition Catalogue


Artist(s): Ivon Hitchens
Author(s): Peter Khoroche
Title:  Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings
Publisher:  Jonathan Clark
Publication date: 2007
Format: softcover  with clear plastic dust jacket
Pages: 40
Images: Fully illustrated in colour
Condition: Fine
Stock Number: RB04383 37

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Artist(s): Ivon Hitchens
Author(s): Peter Khoroche
Title:  Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings
Publisher:  Jonathan Clark
Publication date: 2007
Format: softcover  with clear plastic dust jacket
Pages: 40
Images: Fully illustrated in colour
Condition: Fine
Stock Number: RB04383 37

Artist(s): Ivon Hitchens
Author(s): Peter Khoroche
Title:  Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings
Publisher:  Jonathan Clark
Publication date: 2007
Format: softcover  with clear plastic dust jacket
Pages: 40
Images: Fully illustrated in colour
Condition: Fine
Stock Number: RB04383 37

Kathe Kolwitz. Engravings, Drawings, Sculpture. A German Art Council Exhibition. Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1967.
Bryan Wynter. Jonathan Clark Fine Art, London 16 October-15 November 2002
Braco Dimitrijevic, Tale of an Artist and a Castle. 1976
Japanese Sculpture. Volume I, Archaic Period. Photographs by Manshichi Sakamoto (1900-1974). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.
Japanese Sculpture. Volume IV, Tenpyo Period. Photographs by Irie Taikichi (1905-1992). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.