Modern Art in the United States. Tate Gallery, London, 1956


Catalogue of the first major exhibition of 20th Century American in the UK, held at the Tate Gallery,  5 January – 12 February 1956. Modern Art in the United States was the the first major exhibition devoted entirely to painting, sculpture and prints from the United States to be shown in the United Kingdom.Consisting of 113 paintings, 21 sculptures and over 90 prints on loan from the Museum of Modern Art New York,, it provided the first opportunity for UK audiences to view works by the New York abstract expressionist painters like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Some historians have suggested that the art of the New York School was weaponised by the America during the Cold War. From this point of view, Modern Art in the United States would appear to have been the first of an elaborate series of international exhibitions organised by MoMA in partnership with the US government that used abstract expressionism as a weapon of propaganda. The works were displayed on white walls and divided into thematic sections in both the exhibition and the catalogue. According to the catalogue introduction written by René d’Harnoncourt, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, the works were chosen ‘to reveal four or five principal directions of American art over a period of approximately forty years’.

Title: Modern Art in the United States: Paintings, Sculpture and Prints. A selection from the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York 
Author: foreword by John Rothenstein and Philip James, introduction by René d’Harnoncourt.
Publisher: Tate Gallery, London 
Publication date:  1956
Format: Softcover
Total Pages:  59
Images: 60
Condition: Very Good. Covers slightly marked
Stock Number: RB04273

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Catalogue of the first major exhibition of 20th Century American in the UK, held at the Tate Gallery,  5 January – 12 February 1956. Modern Art in the United States was the the first major exhibition devoted entirely to painting, sculpture and prints from the United States to be shown in the United Kingdom.Consisting of 113 paintings, 21 sculptures and over 90 prints on loan from the Museum of Modern Art New York,, it provided the first opportunity for UK audiences to view works by the New York abstract expressionist painters like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Some historians have suggested that the art of the New York School was weaponised by the America during the Cold War. From this point of view, Modern Art in the United States would appear to have been the first of an elaborate series of international exhibitions organised by MoMA in partnership with the US government that used abstract expressionism as a weapon of propaganda. The works were displayed on white walls and divided into thematic sections in both the exhibition and the catalogue. According to the catalogue introduction written by René d’Harnoncourt, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, the works were chosen ‘to reveal four or five principal directions of American art over a period of approximately forty years’.

Title: Modern Art in the United States: Paintings, Sculpture and Prints. A selection from the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York 
Author: foreword by John Rothenstein and Philip James, introduction by René d’Harnoncourt.
Publisher: Tate Gallery, London 
Publication date:  1956
Format: Softcover
Total Pages:  59
Images: 60
Condition: Very Good. Covers slightly marked
Stock Number: RB04273

Catalogue of the first major exhibition of 20th Century American in the UK, held at the Tate Gallery,  5 January – 12 February 1956. Modern Art in the United States was the the first major exhibition devoted entirely to painting, sculpture and prints from the United States to be shown in the United Kingdom.Consisting of 113 paintings, 21 sculptures and over 90 prints on loan from the Museum of Modern Art New York,, it provided the first opportunity for UK audiences to view works by the New York abstract expressionist painters like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko. Some historians have suggested that the art of the New York School was weaponised by the America during the Cold War. From this point of view, Modern Art in the United States would appear to have been the first of an elaborate series of international exhibitions organised by MoMA in partnership with the US government that used abstract expressionism as a weapon of propaganda. The works were displayed on white walls and divided into thematic sections in both the exhibition and the catalogue. According to the catalogue introduction written by René d’Harnoncourt, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, the works were chosen ‘to reveal four or five principal directions of American art over a period of approximately forty years’.

Title: Modern Art in the United States: Paintings, Sculpture and Prints. A selection from the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York 
Author: foreword by John Rothenstein and Philip James, introduction by René d’Harnoncourt.
Publisher: Tate Gallery, London 
Publication date:  1956
Format: Softcover
Total Pages:  59
Images: 60
Condition: Very Good. Covers slightly marked
Stock Number: RB04273

Kathe Kolwitz. Engravings, Drawings, Sculpture. A German Art Council Exhibition. Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1967.
Bryan Wynter. Jonathan Clark Fine Art, London 16 October-15 November 2002
Ivon Hitchens: The Flower Paintings Exhibition Catalogue
Braco Dimitrijevic, Tale of an Artist and a Castle. 1976
Japanese Sculpture. Volume I, Archaic Period. Photographs by Manshichi Sakamoto (1900-1974). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.