New Zealand Potter, Autumn 1974


Cover designed by Nigel Harris shows two pots by Barry Brickell photographed by Steve Rumsey. Contents: Estelle and Bruce Martin, Unfolding Growth Forms, Jack Laird in Europe, Margaret Thompson - a wever, etc…

Title: New Zealand Potter, Autumn 1974
Author: Margaret Harris (ed.)
Publisher: New Zealand Potter
Publication Date: Autmn 1974
Format: Stapled Softcover
Pages: 48
Images: 55+
Condition: Very good
Stock Number: RB01919

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Cover designed by Nigel Harris shows two pots by Barry Brickell photographed by Steve Rumsey. Contents: Estelle and Bruce Martin, Unfolding Growth Forms, Jack Laird in Europe, Margaret Thompson - a wever, etc…

Title: New Zealand Potter, Autumn 1974
Author: Margaret Harris (ed.)
Publisher: New Zealand Potter
Publication Date: Autmn 1974
Format: Stapled Softcover
Pages: 48
Images: 55+
Condition: Very good
Stock Number: RB01919

Cover designed by Nigel Harris shows two pots by Barry Brickell photographed by Steve Rumsey. Contents: Estelle and Bruce Martin, Unfolding Growth Forms, Jack Laird in Europe, Margaret Thompson - a wever, etc…

Title: New Zealand Potter, Autumn 1974
Author: Margaret Harris (ed.)
Publisher: New Zealand Potter
Publication Date: Autmn 1974
Format: Stapled Softcover
Pages: 48
Images: 55+
Condition: Very good
Stock Number: RB01919

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Art & Decoration Revue Mensuelle D’Art Moderne, 1931
Art and Work. An Exhibition of Art, Craft and Design 1884-1975
Pearl Binder, Magic Symbols of the World. The Hamlyn Publishing Company, 1972
Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Vingt Ans Apres.; Le Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Principaux Enrichissements 1956-1976