Roland Penrose, Picasso: His Life & Work, 1958 First Edition


“This book is unique in that it is the first attempt by anyone who has known Picasso intimately for a considerable numbers of years to write a complete biography.”

Price: £25
Title: Picasso: His Life & Work
Author: Roland Penrose
Publisher: Victor Gollancz, London
Publication Date: 1958 First Edition
Format: Hardcover with in red dust jacket with white titles
Pages: 391
Images: approx 34
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03717

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“This book is unique in that it is the first attempt by anyone who has known Picasso intimately for a considerable numbers of years to write a complete biography.”

Price: £25
Title: Picasso: His Life & Work
Author: Roland Penrose
Publisher: Victor Gollancz, London
Publication Date: 1958 First Edition
Format: Hardcover with in red dust jacket with white titles
Pages: 391
Images: approx 34
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03717

“This book is unique in that it is the first attempt by anyone who has known Picasso intimately for a considerable numbers of years to write a complete biography.”

Price: £25
Title: Picasso: His Life & Work
Author: Roland Penrose
Publisher: Victor Gollancz, London
Publication Date: 1958 First Edition
Format: Hardcover with in red dust jacket with white titles
Pages: 391
Images: approx 34
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03717

Odilon Redon, The Matthiesen Gallery London, 1959
Kasimir Malevich 1878-1935, Whitechapel Art Gallery London 1959
Catalogue of the 35th Venice Biennale 1970
Irma Blank: painting between the lines, Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, 2019
Catalogue of the Sotheby's New York sale of The Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe.