Robin Ironside. Painting Since 1939. Longmans Green & Co., London & New York , 1947
Price: £10
Title: Painting Since 1939.
Author: Robin Ironside
Publisher: Longmans Green & Co., London & New York
Publication date: 1947
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 40
Condition: Very good
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02571
Price: £10
Title: Painting Since 1939.
Author: Robin Ironside
Publisher: Longmans Green & Co., London & New York
Publication date: 1947
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 40
Condition: Very good
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02571
Price: £10
Title: Painting Since 1939.
Author: Robin Ironside
Publisher: Longmans Green & Co., London & New York
Publication date: 1947
Format: Soft cover
Total Pages: 40
Condition: Very good
Provenance: From the Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02571