M.E. Burkett, Kurt Schwitters Creator of Merz, Abbott Hall Gallery, 1979 First Edition


Title: Kurt Schwitters Creator of Merz
Author: M.E. Burkett
Publisher: Abbott Hall Gallery
Publication date: 1979 First Edition
Format: stapled softcover
Pages: 28
Images: b/w throughout
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03815

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Title: Kurt Schwitters Creator of Merz
Author: M.E. Burkett
Publisher: Abbott Hall Gallery
Publication date: 1979 First Edition
Format: stapled softcover
Pages: 28
Images: b/w throughout
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03815

Title: Kurt Schwitters Creator of Merz
Author: M.E. Burkett
Publisher: Abbott Hall Gallery
Publication date: 1979 First Edition
Format: stapled softcover
Pages: 28
Images: b/w throughout
Condition: Very good.
Stock Number: RB03815

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