Sculpture in the Home. Third Exhibition 1953  


Catalogue of the 3rd Arts Council “Sculpture in the home” exhibition, held in 1953. List of 60 works, 12 monochrome plates. Artists include: Franta Belsky, Reg Butler, Dorothea Charol, Frank Dobson, Elisabeth Frink, Daphne Henrion, Barbara Hepworth, Louise Hutchinson, Karin Jonzen, Henry Moore, F.E. McWilliam, John Skeaping and many more.

Dr Robert Burstow has pointed out that “with their slim catalogues, small review literature, and depleted archival materials, the Arts Council’s Sculpture in the Home exhibitions of the 1940s and 50s have received little critical attention. Yet they offer illuminating evidence that alongside the Arts Council’s well known support of ‘public sculpture’, its early mission included a commitment to small-scale domestic sculpture.” They also offer important evidence that the exhibitions were “related to the reconstruction and modernisation of the home and family in post-war Britain.” – Robert Burstow “The sculpture in the home exhibitions: reconstructing the home and family in post-war Britain” in Henry Moore Institute Essays on Sculpture, 2008. This essay was published to accompany the exhibition organised by the Henry Moore Institute SCULPTURE IN THE HOME: RE-STAGING A POST-WAR INITIATIVE Leeds Art Gallery 2 October 2008 – 4 January 2009.

Price: £20
Title: Sculpture in the Home. Third Exhibition 1953  
Author: Philip James
Publisher:  The Arts Council of Great Britain
Date: 1953
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Very good. Covers marked and slightly creased
Stock Number: RB02685

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Catalogue of the 3rd Arts Council “Sculpture in the home” exhibition, held in 1953. List of 60 works, 12 monochrome plates. Artists include: Franta Belsky, Reg Butler, Dorothea Charol, Frank Dobson, Elisabeth Frink, Daphne Henrion, Barbara Hepworth, Louise Hutchinson, Karin Jonzen, Henry Moore, F.E. McWilliam, John Skeaping and many more.

Dr Robert Burstow has pointed out that “with their slim catalogues, small review literature, and depleted archival materials, the Arts Council’s Sculpture in the Home exhibitions of the 1940s and 50s have received little critical attention. Yet they offer illuminating evidence that alongside the Arts Council’s well known support of ‘public sculpture’, its early mission included a commitment to small-scale domestic sculpture.” They also offer important evidence that the exhibitions were “related to the reconstruction and modernisation of the home and family in post-war Britain.” – Robert Burstow “The sculpture in the home exhibitions: reconstructing the home and family in post-war Britain” in Henry Moore Institute Essays on Sculpture, 2008. This essay was published to accompany the exhibition organised by the Henry Moore Institute SCULPTURE IN THE HOME: RE-STAGING A POST-WAR INITIATIVE Leeds Art Gallery 2 October 2008 – 4 January 2009.

Price: £20
Title: Sculpture in the Home. Third Exhibition 1953  
Author: Philip James
Publisher:  The Arts Council of Great Britain
Date: 1953
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Very good. Covers marked and slightly creased
Stock Number: RB02685

Catalogue of the 3rd Arts Council “Sculpture in the home” exhibition, held in 1953. List of 60 works, 12 monochrome plates. Artists include: Franta Belsky, Reg Butler, Dorothea Charol, Frank Dobson, Elisabeth Frink, Daphne Henrion, Barbara Hepworth, Louise Hutchinson, Karin Jonzen, Henry Moore, F.E. McWilliam, John Skeaping and many more.

Dr Robert Burstow has pointed out that “with their slim catalogues, small review literature, and depleted archival materials, the Arts Council’s Sculpture in the Home exhibitions of the 1940s and 50s have received little critical attention. Yet they offer illuminating evidence that alongside the Arts Council’s well known support of ‘public sculpture’, its early mission included a commitment to small-scale domestic sculpture.” They also offer important evidence that the exhibitions were “related to the reconstruction and modernisation of the home and family in post-war Britain.” – Robert Burstow “The sculpture in the home exhibitions: reconstructing the home and family in post-war Britain” in Henry Moore Institute Essays on Sculpture, 2008. This essay was published to accompany the exhibition organised by the Henry Moore Institute SCULPTURE IN THE HOME: RE-STAGING A POST-WAR INITIATIVE Leeds Art Gallery 2 October 2008 – 4 January 2009.

Price: £20
Title: Sculpture in the Home. Third Exhibition 1953  
Author: Philip James
Publisher:  The Arts Council of Great Britain
Date: 1953
Format: Stapled wraps
Condition: Very good. Covers marked and slightly creased
Stock Number: RB02685

David Hockney: Dessins Et Gravures. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris 1975.
Rose Hilton Recent Paintings and Drawings. Michael Parkin Gallery, London, 1988.
Sotheby’s Sale Invitation Thursday, 2nd December 1982 featuring Allen Jones
Cum Grano 15, Summer 1960. Idris Jones (editor), Alastair Grieve (co-subeditor)
Alan Reynolds. Relief Constructions and Drawings. Annely Juda Fine Art, 1991. Introduction by Bryan Robertson.