St Ives. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 1989


Substantial catalogue of an important exhibition of works by artists and potters associated with St Ives, held at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 8 April – 7 May 1989. Preface by Sir Alan Bowness, with essays by Patrick Heron, Tadayasu Sakai, Junichi Shioda, David Brown, Oliver Watson and Masako Shimizu. Contents: Maps of St Ives, “St Ives and the landscape of the Lelant Peninsula” by Patrick Heron, “The Artists’ Colony at St Ives” by Tadayasu Sakai, “St Ives: Development as an Artist Colony 1877–1964” by David Brown, “Postwar Painting in St Ives” by Junichi Shioda, “St Ives, Ceramics and Bernard Leach” by Oliver Watson, “Japan and St Ives” by Masako Shimizu. Artists include: Patrick Heron, Alfred Wallis, Naum Gabo, Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Peter Lanyon, Terry Frost, Roger Hilton, Christopher Wood and Bernard Leach.

Title: St Ives
Authors: See above
Publisher: Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art
Publication date: 1989
Format: softcover
Pages: 176
Images: 200+
Condition: Near fine. Upper right corner bumped. Otherwise near fine.
Stock Number: RB01862

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Substantial catalogue of an important exhibition of works by artists and potters associated with St Ives, held at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 8 April – 7 May 1989. Preface by Sir Alan Bowness, with essays by Patrick Heron, Tadayasu Sakai, Junichi Shioda, David Brown, Oliver Watson and Masako Shimizu. Contents: Maps of St Ives, “St Ives and the landscape of the Lelant Peninsula” by Patrick Heron, “The Artists’ Colony at St Ives” by Tadayasu Sakai, “St Ives: Development as an Artist Colony 1877–1964” by David Brown, “Postwar Painting in St Ives” by Junichi Shioda, “St Ives, Ceramics and Bernard Leach” by Oliver Watson, “Japan and St Ives” by Masako Shimizu. Artists include: Patrick Heron, Alfred Wallis, Naum Gabo, Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Peter Lanyon, Terry Frost, Roger Hilton, Christopher Wood and Bernard Leach.

Title: St Ives
Authors: See above
Publisher: Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art
Publication date: 1989
Format: softcover
Pages: 176
Images: 200+
Condition: Near fine. Upper right corner bumped. Otherwise near fine.
Stock Number: RB01862

Substantial catalogue of an important exhibition of works by artists and potters associated with St Ives, held at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 8 April – 7 May 1989. Preface by Sir Alan Bowness, with essays by Patrick Heron, Tadayasu Sakai, Junichi Shioda, David Brown, Oliver Watson and Masako Shimizu. Contents: Maps of St Ives, “St Ives and the landscape of the Lelant Peninsula” by Patrick Heron, “The Artists’ Colony at St Ives” by Tadayasu Sakai, “St Ives: Development as an Artist Colony 1877–1964” by David Brown, “Postwar Painting in St Ives” by Junichi Shioda, “St Ives, Ceramics and Bernard Leach” by Oliver Watson, “Japan and St Ives” by Masako Shimizu. Artists include: Patrick Heron, Alfred Wallis, Naum Gabo, Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Peter Lanyon, Terry Frost, Roger Hilton, Christopher Wood and Bernard Leach.

Title: St Ives
Authors: See above
Publisher: Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art
Publication date: 1989
Format: softcover
Pages: 176
Images: 200+
Condition: Near fine. Upper right corner bumped. Otherwise near fine.
Stock Number: RB01862

Pearl Binder, Magic Symbols of the World. The Hamlyn Publishing Company, 1972
Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Vingt Ans Apres.; Le Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Principaux Enrichissements 1956-1976
Tessa Paul, Tiles for a beautiful home, 1989
William Ruscoe, A Manual for the Potter, Alec Tiranti, 1963
English Porcelain Figures 1744 to 1848, John Tiranti 1947