STUDIO International Journal of Modern Art March/April 1975 number 974. 


Contents: Andrew Forge answers criticisms of ‘British Painting 1974’; Activity of Criticism/Walter Darby Bannard, Max Kozloff, Rosalind Krauss, Harold Rosenberg interviewed by Caryn and James Faure Walker; William Johnstone: a survey/1 in conversation; William Johnstone: a survey/2 an appreciation by Tamara Krikorian; Ed Meneeley/Irving Sandler; The Black Square/John Golding; A Book/Marcel Broodthaers; Brancusi in Romania/Sean Hudson/William Tucker; What Sculpture Is, Parts 5 and 6/William Tucker; System & Sensibility: The Art of Gerald Ferguson/Eric Cameron; John Stezaker in conversation with Peter Smith.

Price: £22
Title: STUDIO International Journal of Modern Art March/April 1975 number 974
Publisher:  STUDIO International
Publication date: March/April 1975
Format: Softcover
Total Pages: 167 +
Condition: Very Good
Provenance:  The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02724

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Contents: Andrew Forge answers criticisms of ‘British Painting 1974’; Activity of Criticism/Walter Darby Bannard, Max Kozloff, Rosalind Krauss, Harold Rosenberg interviewed by Caryn and James Faure Walker; William Johnstone: a survey/1 in conversation; William Johnstone: a survey/2 an appreciation by Tamara Krikorian; Ed Meneeley/Irving Sandler; The Black Square/John Golding; A Book/Marcel Broodthaers; Brancusi in Romania/Sean Hudson/William Tucker; What Sculpture Is, Parts 5 and 6/William Tucker; System & Sensibility: The Art of Gerald Ferguson/Eric Cameron; John Stezaker in conversation with Peter Smith.

Price: £22
Title: STUDIO International Journal of Modern Art March/April 1975 number 974
Publisher:  STUDIO International
Publication date: March/April 1975
Format: Softcover
Total Pages: 167 +
Condition: Very Good
Provenance:  The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02724

Contents: Andrew Forge answers criticisms of ‘British Painting 1974’; Activity of Criticism/Walter Darby Bannard, Max Kozloff, Rosalind Krauss, Harold Rosenberg interviewed by Caryn and James Faure Walker; William Johnstone: a survey/1 in conversation; William Johnstone: a survey/2 an appreciation by Tamara Krikorian; Ed Meneeley/Irving Sandler; The Black Square/John Golding; A Book/Marcel Broodthaers; Brancusi in Romania/Sean Hudson/William Tucker; What Sculpture Is, Parts 5 and 6/William Tucker; System & Sensibility: The Art of Gerald Ferguson/Eric Cameron; John Stezaker in conversation with Peter Smith.

Price: £22
Title: STUDIO International Journal of Modern Art March/April 1975 number 974
Publisher:  STUDIO International
Publication date: March/April 1975
Format: Softcover
Total Pages: 167 +
Condition: Very Good
Provenance:  The Library of Dr Alastair Grieve
Stock Number: RB02724

Centenary Exhibition of Etchings and Drawings by W.R.Sickert.
Sickert. Roland, Browse & Derby, London, 1963
Sickert. Forty of His Finest Paintings. Roland, Browse & Delbanco, London, 1951.
Virginia Woolf, Walter Sickert: A Conversation, The Hogarth Press, 1934. Cover by Vanessa Bell. Barnett Freedman's copy.
David Gebhard, Charles F.A. Voysey Architect, 1970