Telfer Stokes, Passage, 1972


The son of artist Margaret Mellis and art critic Adrian Stokes, Telfer Stokes was born in St Ives in 1940. Passage, Stokes’ first artist’s book and published by his own imprint, Weproductions, features over 100 photographs including a sequence in which a slice of toast is buttered, spread with jam and eaten.

Also available is, Loophole, the scarce book Telfer Stokes made with Helen Douglas in 1975 which was included in the Museum of Modern Art’s Bookworks exhibition in 1977.

Clive Philpot reviewed the book for Studio International in Janaury 1973: “Those who get as much pleasure from a crisp, newly minted paperback as an antique leather binding should enjoy Passage by Telfer Stokes published by Weproductions in 1972 at £0.50, for it is a fine piece of book production. The book is made up of photographs paired, or in sequence, and which exploit the book format: one can almost hear the tackiness of the parting jammy surfaces as one opens up a sandwich by turning a page. In a peculiar way one's intimate involvement in the book and its self-contained quality suggest more than the photographic documentation of events; in the rise and fall of a wall, for example, one is involved in a narrative which one recreates as one proceeds, much as one would in a prose account, save that the images are not only given, but specific; this process is also analogous to watching a movie but with the difference that the recipient is in complete control of the rate and order of intake of information.” – Clive Philpot Feedback, Studio International, January 1973.

Title: Passage
Author: Telfer Stokes
Publisher: Weproductions
Publication date: 1972
Format: softcover
Pages: 100+ unpaginated
Condition: very good. Spotting to cover and prelims. A wonderful intervention to the moccasins page where a foot has been inked and the imprint of toes transferred to the right-hand page.
Stock Number: RB03879-1

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The son of artist Margaret Mellis and art critic Adrian Stokes, Telfer Stokes was born in St Ives in 1940. Passage, Stokes’ first artist’s book and published by his own imprint, Weproductions, features over 100 photographs including a sequence in which a slice of toast is buttered, spread with jam and eaten.

Also available is, Loophole, the scarce book Telfer Stokes made with Helen Douglas in 1975 which was included in the Museum of Modern Art’s Bookworks exhibition in 1977.

Clive Philpot reviewed the book for Studio International in Janaury 1973: “Those who get as much pleasure from a crisp, newly minted paperback as an antique leather binding should enjoy Passage by Telfer Stokes published by Weproductions in 1972 at £0.50, for it is a fine piece of book production. The book is made up of photographs paired, or in sequence, and which exploit the book format: one can almost hear the tackiness of the parting jammy surfaces as one opens up a sandwich by turning a page. In a peculiar way one's intimate involvement in the book and its self-contained quality suggest more than the photographic documentation of events; in the rise and fall of a wall, for example, one is involved in a narrative which one recreates as one proceeds, much as one would in a prose account, save that the images are not only given, but specific; this process is also analogous to watching a movie but with the difference that the recipient is in complete control of the rate and order of intake of information.” – Clive Philpot Feedback, Studio International, January 1973.

Title: Passage
Author: Telfer Stokes
Publisher: Weproductions
Publication date: 1972
Format: softcover
Pages: 100+ unpaginated
Condition: very good. Spotting to cover and prelims. A wonderful intervention to the moccasins page where a foot has been inked and the imprint of toes transferred to the right-hand page.
Stock Number: RB03879-1

The son of artist Margaret Mellis and art critic Adrian Stokes, Telfer Stokes was born in St Ives in 1940. Passage, Stokes’ first artist’s book and published by his own imprint, Weproductions, features over 100 photographs including a sequence in which a slice of toast is buttered, spread with jam and eaten.

Also available is, Loophole, the scarce book Telfer Stokes made with Helen Douglas in 1975 which was included in the Museum of Modern Art’s Bookworks exhibition in 1977.

Clive Philpot reviewed the book for Studio International in Janaury 1973: “Those who get as much pleasure from a crisp, newly minted paperback as an antique leather binding should enjoy Passage by Telfer Stokes published by Weproductions in 1972 at £0.50, for it is a fine piece of book production. The book is made up of photographs paired, or in sequence, and which exploit the book format: one can almost hear the tackiness of the parting jammy surfaces as one opens up a sandwich by turning a page. In a peculiar way one's intimate involvement in the book and its self-contained quality suggest more than the photographic documentation of events; in the rise and fall of a wall, for example, one is involved in a narrative which one recreates as one proceeds, much as one would in a prose account, save that the images are not only given, but specific; this process is also analogous to watching a movie but with the difference that the recipient is in complete control of the rate and order of intake of information.” – Clive Philpot Feedback, Studio International, January 1973.

Title: Passage
Author: Telfer Stokes
Publisher: Weproductions
Publication date: 1972
Format: softcover
Pages: 100+ unpaginated
Condition: very good. Spotting to cover and prelims. A wonderful intervention to the moccasins page where a foot has been inked and the imprint of toes transferred to the right-hand page.
Stock Number: RB03879-1

David Hockney: Dessins Et Gravures. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris 1975.
Rose Hilton Recent Paintings and Drawings. Michael Parkin Gallery, London, 1988.
Sotheby’s Sale Invitation Thursday, 2nd December 1982 featuring Allen Jones
Cum Grano 15, Summer 1960. Idris Jones (editor), Alastair Grieve (co-subeditor)
Alan Reynolds. Relief Constructions and Drawings. Annely Juda Fine Art, 1991. Introduction by Bryan Robertson.