The Camera & The Craftsman. The Crafts Advisory Committee and The Photographer's Gallery. 1975.


Catalogue of a travelling exhibition of photographs and objects organised by The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London. Catalogue design and photography of objects by Ray Carpenter. The photographers: Bryn Campbell, Robin Laurance, Ron McCormick, Derry Moore, Homer Sjyes, Patrick Ward. The Craftsman: Malcolm Appleby/Engraver, Peter Collingwood/Weaver, Susanna Heron/Jeweller, Virginia Hubble/Knitter, Mo Jupp/Ceramicist, Hansjürg Lange/Musical Instrument Maker, Roger Oates/Weaver, Mabel Pakenham-Walsh/Wood Carver, Ronald Pennell/Gem Engraver, Ivan Smith/Blacksmith, Peter Starkey/Potter, Patricia Tprmey/Goldsmith.

Title: The Camera and The Craftsman
Author: Introduction by Ralph Turner
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London
Publication date: 1975
Format: large format softcover
Pages: 80
Images: 60 monochrome plates
Printing: White Rose Press, Mexborough
Condition: Very Good.

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Catalogue of a travelling exhibition of photographs and objects organised by The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London. Catalogue design and photography of objects by Ray Carpenter. The photographers: Bryn Campbell, Robin Laurance, Ron McCormick, Derry Moore, Homer Sjyes, Patrick Ward. The Craftsman: Malcolm Appleby/Engraver, Peter Collingwood/Weaver, Susanna Heron/Jeweller, Virginia Hubble/Knitter, Mo Jupp/Ceramicist, Hansjürg Lange/Musical Instrument Maker, Roger Oates/Weaver, Mabel Pakenham-Walsh/Wood Carver, Ronald Pennell/Gem Engraver, Ivan Smith/Blacksmith, Peter Starkey/Potter, Patricia Tprmey/Goldsmith.

Title: The Camera and The Craftsman
Author: Introduction by Ralph Turner
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London
Publication date: 1975
Format: large format softcover
Pages: 80
Images: 60 monochrome plates
Printing: White Rose Press, Mexborough
Condition: Very Good.

Catalogue of a travelling exhibition of photographs and objects organised by The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London. Catalogue design and photography of objects by Ray Carpenter. The photographers: Bryn Campbell, Robin Laurance, Ron McCormick, Derry Moore, Homer Sjyes, Patrick Ward. The Craftsman: Malcolm Appleby/Engraver, Peter Collingwood/Weaver, Susanna Heron/Jeweller, Virginia Hubble/Knitter, Mo Jupp/Ceramicist, Hansjürg Lange/Musical Instrument Maker, Roger Oates/Weaver, Mabel Pakenham-Walsh/Wood Carver, Ronald Pennell/Gem Engraver, Ivan Smith/Blacksmith, Peter Starkey/Potter, Patricia Tprmey/Goldsmith.

Title: The Camera and The Craftsman
Author: Introduction by Ralph Turner
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee in conjunction with the Photographer’s Gallery, London
Publication date: 1975
Format: large format softcover
Pages: 80
Images: 60 monochrome plates
Printing: White Rose Press, Mexborough
Condition: Very Good.

Centenary Exhibition of Etchings and Drawings by W.R.Sickert.
Sickert. Roland, Browse & Derby, London, 1963
Sickert. Forty of His Finest Paintings. Roland, Browse & Delbanco, London, 1951.
Virginia Woolf, Walter Sickert: A Conversation, The Hogarth Press, 1934. Cover by Vanessa Bell. Barnett Freedman's copy.
Anthony Caro Recent Bronzes 1976-1981, Kenwood House, 1981