The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art’


The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’ An early issue of the internationally-renowned art journal founded in 1960 by the Canadian artist Eli Bornstein and published through the University of Saskatchewan until 2010. The Structurist is an international, interdisciplinary journal dealing with art, architecture, ecology, culture and communication. An ongoing interest of The Structurist is abstract constructive art, its origins, and the future development of media incorporating structure and colour in space. These concerns are associated with artists such as Jean Gorin, Joost Baljeu, Anthony Hill, Kenneth Martin, Mary Martin, Victor Pasmore and Georges Vantongerloo whom Bronstein had met in Europe in the 1960s. The Structurist has become increasingly concerned with the relationship between art and ecology – how art and architecture can participate in preserving and protecting our threatened ecosphere. The journal began and continued as an annual until 1972 when it changed to publishing biannual double issues. It has been distributed to over 30 countries, including leading museums and university libraries. Text via University of Saskatchewan website.

Title: The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’
Author: Eli Bronstein (ed)
Publisher: University of Saskatchewan
Publication date: 1970
Format: Softcover
Pages: 102
Images: One colour and numerous monochrome plates
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB01470

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The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’ An early issue of the internationally-renowned art journal founded in 1960 by the Canadian artist Eli Bornstein and published through the University of Saskatchewan until 2010. The Structurist is an international, interdisciplinary journal dealing with art, architecture, ecology, culture and communication. An ongoing interest of The Structurist is abstract constructive art, its origins, and the future development of media incorporating structure and colour in space. These concerns are associated with artists such as Jean Gorin, Joost Baljeu, Anthony Hill, Kenneth Martin, Mary Martin, Victor Pasmore and Georges Vantongerloo whom Bronstein had met in Europe in the 1960s. The Structurist has become increasingly concerned with the relationship between art and ecology – how art and architecture can participate in preserving and protecting our threatened ecosphere. The journal began and continued as an annual until 1972 when it changed to publishing biannual double issues. It has been distributed to over 30 countries, including leading museums and university libraries. Text via University of Saskatchewan website.

Title: The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’
Author: Eli Bronstein (ed)
Publisher: University of Saskatchewan
Publication date: 1970
Format: Softcover
Pages: 102
Images: One colour and numerous monochrome plates
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB01470

The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’ An early issue of the internationally-renowned art journal founded in 1960 by the Canadian artist Eli Bornstein and published through the University of Saskatchewan until 2010. The Structurist is an international, interdisciplinary journal dealing with art, architecture, ecology, culture and communication. An ongoing interest of The Structurist is abstract constructive art, its origins, and the future development of media incorporating structure and colour in space. These concerns are associated with artists such as Jean Gorin, Joost Baljeu, Anthony Hill, Kenneth Martin, Mary Martin, Victor Pasmore and Georges Vantongerloo whom Bronstein had met in Europe in the 1960s. The Structurist has become increasingly concerned with the relationship between art and ecology – how art and architecture can participate in preserving and protecting our threatened ecosphere. The journal began and continued as an annual until 1972 when it changed to publishing biannual double issues. It has been distributed to over 30 countries, including leading museums and university libraries. Text via University of Saskatchewan website.

Title: The Structurist No. 10 1970 ‘Art and Morality: The Relevance of Art.’
Author: Eli Bronstein (ed)
Publisher: University of Saskatchewan
Publication date: 1970
Format: Softcover
Pages: 102
Images: One colour and numerous monochrome plates
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB01470

Iraqi Contemporary Art. Iraqi Cultural Centre, London, 1977 
Mimmo Paladino Skulptur Og Tegning. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, 1985
Michael Kidner Poster/Pamphlet [Possibly Lucy Milton Gallery]
Douglas Binder, Whitechapel Gallery London, 1971
Matt Rugg, New Art Centre, London, 1966