Crafts No. 14 May–June 1975


Crafts: West African textiles, William Staite Murray, coopering, The Bauhaus and the crafts, the Shakers,

Title: Crafts No. 14 May–June 1975
Authors: Various
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee
Publication date:
Format: Softcover
Pages: 65 approx
Condition: Good.
Stock Number: RB01824

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Crafts: West African textiles, William Staite Murray, coopering, The Bauhaus and the crafts, the Shakers,

Title: Crafts No. 14 May–June 1975
Authors: Various
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee
Publication date:
Format: Softcover
Pages: 65 approx
Condition: Good.
Stock Number: RB01824

Crafts: West African textiles, William Staite Murray, coopering, The Bauhaus and the crafts, the Shakers,

Title: Crafts No. 14 May–June 1975
Authors: Various
Publisher: The Crafts Advisory Committee
Publication date:
Format: Softcover
Pages: 65 approx
Condition: Good.
Stock Number: RB01824

Pearl Binder, Magic Symbols of the World. The Hamlyn Publishing Company, 1972
Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Vingt Ans Apres.; Le Musee Du Costume De La Ville De Paris Principaux Enrichissements 1956-1976
Tessa Paul, Tiles for a beautiful home, 1989
William Ruscoe, A Manual for the Potter, Alec Tiranti, 1963
English Porcelain Figures 1744 to 1848, John Tiranti 1947