Rodin Hayward Gallery 1970. Hayward Gallery, 24 January - 5 April 1970.


Title: Rodin. Sculpture and Drawings
Author: Alan Bowness, Henry Moore, Cecile Goldscheider
Publisher: Arts Council of Great Britain, London
Publication date: 1970
Format: softcover 
Pages: 120 
Images: Illustrated throughout in b/w
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB04245

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Title: Rodin. Sculpture and Drawings
Author: Alan Bowness, Henry Moore, Cecile Goldscheider
Publisher: Arts Council of Great Britain, London
Publication date: 1970
Format: softcover 
Pages: 120 
Images: Illustrated throughout in b/w
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB04245

Title: Rodin. Sculpture and Drawings
Author: Alan Bowness, Henry Moore, Cecile Goldscheider
Publisher: Arts Council of Great Britain, London
Publication date: 1970
Format: softcover 
Pages: 120 
Images: Illustrated throughout in b/w
Condition: Very Good
Stock Number: RB04245

Julio Gonzalez. The Tate Gallery, London, 1970
Japanese Sculpture. Volume I, Archaic Period. Photographs by Manshichi Sakamoto (1900-1974). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.
Japanese Sculpture. Volume IV, Tenpyo Period. Photographs by Irie Taikichi (1905-1992). Fine Art Publishing House, Tokyo, 1952.
Sculpture International, No.5, 1967. Sarce.
Sculpture International. No.2, 1967